Manuals & Publications
- Your oldest source for "OLD HAM" manuals.
- We have the best value on the street when considering quality and quick delivery!
- 99% of all orders shipped within 24 hours.
- Highest quality reproductions for most U.S. and some foreign made gear.
- Actual original manuals available per list.
- From 1935 to 1980 and then some.
- HI Manuals recently acquired by Surplus Sales of Nebraska. Library now over 7,000 original manuals
and combined 50+ years experience. - If you have any questions about any manuals, email us at: [email protected]
- NOTICE!! We buy original equipment manuals!! E-mail us with your list!!
- All Manuals are copies and are made-to-order unless otherwise noted.
- All manuals include schematics unless otherwise noted.