Rotary Spark Gap Generator

Rotary Spark Gap Generator

Part Number:
(EQP) 8378385GR1

Product Details:
Rotary spark gap generator removed from new General Electric radar modulator. Manufactured in 1950's. Complete modulator with power supply above also available to the left or purchase supporting components ala carte on this page. Spark Gap experimentation continues and thrives today. Take advantage of fantastic savings by re-purposing US Government sponsored parts worth 50 times our sale price. Drive motor is 115 vac 60Hz 1/6 HP. Motor RPM = 1800.04" x 6" observation window. Overall dimensions: 23" x 17" x 15".Notice direct drive rotor with 2 stainless steel posts with tungsten tips that rotate by 2 stationary posts that feed thru end panel. (See close up pictures). Approximately 1/16" spark gap. Stator Rod = 0.082 Diameter. Tungsten Rotor Rods = 0.121 Diameter. Mounted on shock base.

115 vac 60Hz
Manufactured by
General Electric

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