I/O Module Rack

Generic I/O Module Rack

I/O Module Rack

Part Number:
(EQP) PB16

Product Details:
Gordos Crouzet generic 16 channel input and output relay board (relays not included) for use with IDC / IAC or ODC / OAC (Opto 22, Grayhill, Crydom, etc). SIP style solid state relays (SSR). supply your own Raspberry PI, Parallax Propeller, Microchip, or Arduino micro-controller digital input / outputs to the 50-pin edge connector, add relays and you're ready to monitor or control door strikes, motors, lights, or any other high voltage or high current device. If you're looking for an AC input relay, our (KO) 1AC5 has an AC input 90 - 140 AC with logic monitoring output (for LED). We also have a ribbon cable edge connector (CPC) 50IDC and matching 50 conductor ribbon cable (WRC) 2651/50. New in the box.

16 Channel
Manufactured by
Gordos Crouzet

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$95.00 / Each


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