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Product Details: Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor. 240 / 120v, single-phase. Nema 4X (clear plastic hermetically sealed lid), fiberglass cabinet. A dedicated two-pole disconnect or breaker, (100 amp, 250 volt {preferred}, or 60 amp, 250 volt) is required for this suppressor (non-fused). Includes two Surge Blox PR1XXC Surge SuppressorsWeight = 12 pounds. Absolutely the best surge suppressor money can buy for house or business!! It has two very high end Surge Blox 200 Suppressor Modules @ 3,000 Joules per phase. (200,000 Peak Amps, 220 Volt Clamp). The design utilizes silicon avalanche diodes (SADs) or metal oxide varistors (MOVs) in easy-to-repair and upgrade modular designs. They have a red/green self checking LED circuit and companion alarm panel with Form C contacts to activate an alarm in the event of suppression failure. AC Data Systems, manufacturer of the Surge Blox 200 states this assemblage offers redundant protection to prevent damage from repetitive voltage spikes generated by recurrent outages or by the turning on and off of other mechanical and electrical equipment as well as from oscillatory, decaying transients generated by lightning. Alarm Circuit AssemblyPatented PC board traces are monitored by the alarm assembly to alert you of individual MOV loss and to provide reliable high-surge current capacity and low let-through voltage MOV protection. One by one, individually fused and alarmed MOVs are removed from the suppression system when degraded and damaged. The specs on the alarm circuit assembly are as follows:
"C" Surge Blox™
Alarm Circuit Assembly
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