Regulated Variable Power Supply

Hewlett Packard Regulated Variable Power Supply

Regulated Variable Power Supply

Part Number:
(PS) HP6227B

Product Details:
Hewlett Packard precision, bench / lab, ultra-regulated, variable DC power supplies with analog volt / amp metering. Two power supply outputs will provide ± supply rails with selectable "tracking" or can be used independently and in series for greater voltage or in parallel for greater current output. With variable fine and coarse control knobs for voltage and current adjustments. In addition, this power supply includes the optional adjustable over-voltage "crowbar" protection feature (option O11). The analog meters provide accurate readings of both voltage and current and the output connections are standard "banana" type 5-way binding posts. Rear panel connections are also provided for remote sense and voltage programming / tracking capabilities. In addition, this power supply includes the over-voltage protection option. Includes copy of the operation and service manual.

  • Dual Output: 0 - 25v @ 0 - 2 amps each
  • Dimensions: 13" x 8" x 6.5"H
Originally sold for $3,950. Our price...

Dual 0 - 25 volts @ 0 - 2 amps
Manufactured by
Hewlett Packard

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$389.00 / Each


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