Direct Digital Synthesizer

Direct Digital Synthesizer (EQP) LIT-12259

Direct Digital Synthesizer

Part Number:
(EQP) LIT-12259

Product Details:

Litton Laser Systems 12259 direct digital synthesizer. A Meret Optical ADS-432-430 programmable direct digital synthesizer feeds a 10 dB amplifier to a Mini-Circuits ZFDC-10-1 directional coupler to produce 1 - 400 MHz output at +13 dBM.

Includes Acopian power supplies in a rack-mount cabinet. Operates on 120 vac. "BNC" outputs. Programming input via 50 pin Centronics female on rear panel. Includes synthesizer instructions.

Includes synthesizer instructions
"BNC" outputs
Operates on 120 vac
Manufactured by
Litton Laser Systems

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$395.00 / Each


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