4.7M ohm 1/2w NON Allen Bradley

1/2 Watt Carbon Comp Sample Image

4.7M ohm 1/2w NON Allen Bradley

Part Number:
(RCF) RC20GF475K

Product Details:
4.7M ohm 1/2w 10% Carbon Resistor Carbon Composition Resistor

NOTE: Minimum order is $1.00 per line item.

.Be Advised:Carbon Composition Resistors were obsoleted by most manufacturers in the late 1990s. That means everybodys inventory is 25−50 years old. Lead lengths are not guaranteed. There may be some oxidation on the tinned copper leads and buyer might have to dress with Scotchbrite pad for solderability.

4.7M ohm

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$0.43 / Each


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Carbon Composition Resistors - 1/2 watt (RC)

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