470 pF 800vac 1% Non−Polarized Plastic Capacitor

sbe polypropylene orange drop capacitor

470 pF 800vac 1% Non−Polarized Plastic Capacitor

Part Number:
(CFP) 715P47118LA

Product Details:
470 pF 800vac 1% Non−Polarized Plastic Capacitor SBE Polypropylene Orange Drop Capacitor,0.25"D x 1"L, 0.9" lead centers, 2−3/16"L leads

470 pF
800vac 1%
0.25"D x 1"L, 0.9" lead centers, 2−3/16"L leads

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$1.75 / Each
$1.55 / 25 Each
$1.40 / 100 Each


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Non-Polarized: Plastic Case (non-Metal) 47 pF to 0.018 µF

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