Regulated Variable Power Supply

Lambda Regulated Variable Power Supply (PS) LS-512

Regulated Variable Power Supply

Part Number:
(PS) LS-512

Product Details:
Lambda analog meter module precision, bench / lab, ultra-regulated, precision variable DC calibration source power supply with analog volt / amp metering and digital voltage selection. 36 watt ultra-regulated DC lab supply that features an "ovenized zener reference" that can be utilized as a ultra-stable precision voltage source or for any application in electronic circuit design or repair. This unit is intended for use as a low-cost calibrator, working voltage standard, system reference supply and high performance lab power supply. This is truly a laboratory grade precision power supply with hum and noise specifications measured in micro volts and supply regulation accurate to ±0.0005% and stability of 0.001%! The precision voltage selectors and illuminated "digital readouts" provide an easy means to accurately and repeatability set the output voltage in one millivolt steps (0.1% +1mV accuracy!). Analog meter module provides precision readings of both voltage and current. The output connections are "mini banana" type 5-way binding posts. Rear panel connections provide remote sense and voltage programming / tracking capabilities.

  • Output: 0 - 20v @ 0 - 1.8 amps
  • Dimensions: 11" x 8.5" x 5.5"H
Originally sold for $1,940. Our price...

11" x 8.5" x 5.5"H
0 - 20v @ 0 - 1.8 amps
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$489.00 / Each


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