Single-Sideband Transmitter Tube

Single-Sideband Transmitter Tube (TUT) RS1084CJ

Single-Sideband Transmitter Tube

Part Number:
(TUT) RS1084CJ

Product Details:
Siemens transmitter tetrode. Coaxial metal-ceramic water cooled with integrated cooling jacket. Suitable for broadcasting single-sideband transmitters medium and short wave. Filament 12.5v 200 amp, max frequency 40 MHz, typical anode 1.4 kv 7.6 amp, typical output power 60 kW. Alternate ordering # Q52-X1084. We also have the sockets for these bad boys - (TUA) EUR-1 or (TUA) EUR-2. Used, removed from service. 25.5 lbs. Sold as-is.

Product PDFs:

Typical anode 1.4 kv 7.6 amp
Max frequency 40 MHz
Filament 12.5v 200 amp
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$750.00 / Each


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