26-350 pF 3 kV Cardwell Air Variable


26-350 pF 3 kV Cardwell Air Variable

Part Number:
(CAV) 154-10-1

Product Details:
An air variable capacitor is a type of variable capacitor that uses air as the dielectric (the insulating material between the capacitor's plates).
The primary function of an air variable capacitor is to tune resonant circuits.
This is crucial in radio frequency (RF) applications, such as:

  • Radio receivers: To select specific radio frequencies.
  • Transmitters: To adjust the output frequency.
  • Antenna tuning: To match the impedance of an antenna to a transmitter or receiver.

  • Picofarads
    26-350 pF
    3 kV
    Air Gap
    1/4" Shaft Each End
    2-5/8" x 2-5/8" x 7-1/4" Length
    Manufactured by

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    $159.00 / Each


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    Air Variable Capacitors, Shafted Index

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