4 Piece Lot of 5" Bowl Insulators


4 Piece Lot of 5" Bowl Insulators

Part Number:
(ICR) AST-13

Product Details:
Used and Unattractive

These are a type of ceramic insulator, often used in high-voltage applications.

  • Support and insulate conductors: They keep wires or electrical components separated from each other and from the ground, preventing short circuits and ensuring safe operation.

  • Provide mechanical strength: They are strong enough to hold the weight of conductors and withstand mechanical stresses.
  • Resist environmental factors: They are made from materials that can withstand heat, weathering, and other environmental conditions.

  • Size

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    $25.00 / Each


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    Antenna & RF Feed-Thru Insulators


    Insulator Assortments; Standoff, Bowl, Pillar

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