Q Source 300Kw Amplifier

Q Source 300Kw Amplifier (EQP) QS8002102

Q Source 300Kw Amplifier

Part Number:
(EQP) QS8002102

Product Details:
Q-Source 300Kw amplifier used for igniting plasma in laser chambers. Q-Source was using the 28-30Mhz frequency in their lasers, this amplifier is based on the Eimac 3CPX5000A7 which is rated up to 100Mhz. This amplifier also uses the more modern Glassman MK10P07.5 Power Supply as its source. Built by Peter Chenousky of Q-Source, includes schematics, parts list, and power supply manual. 19" rack mountable chassis. To achieve 300Kw output, this unit requires a 100Kw input. Q-Source was using their QS8002101 an input to this unit.
19"W x 24"D x 14"H (8U).

Removed from working environment. Removed from working environment.

Product PDFs:

To achieve 300Kw output, this unit requires a 100Kw input
Q-Source was using their QS8002101 an input to this unit
19"W x 24"D x 14"H (8U)
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