Part #: PS PP-1659A/G
Description: This Battery Charger is in like NEW condition! Th…
Brand: Syncor Industries Corp.
Part #: RCV RV2NAYSD205A
Description: CTJ panel bushing mount pot. 2M ohm, 1 watt. Line…
Brand: CTJ
$4.50 / Each
Part #: EQP LCR740
Description: Leader LCR bridge. .001 ¦ to 11M ¦. 1pf to 11,00U…
Brand: Leader
$150.00 / Each
Part #: RF 10-A-MFN-10
Description: Bird bi-directional attenuator. 10 dB, DC-4 GHz, …
Brand: Bird
Part #: SIC 2902CJ
Description: Exar Modem, Surface Mount
$3.00 / Each
Part #: CFC SPHT1102MA
Description: Doorknob capacitors get their name from their cyl…
Brand: HEC
$1200.00 / Each
Part #: SIC AM92L44DPC
Description: IC Memory DIP
$4.00 / Each