Part #: PS PP-1659A/G
Description: This Battery Charger is in like NEW condition! Th…
Brand: Syncor Industries Corp.
Part #: MOT RC1205A
Description: This Baldor Industrial Motor was made in the USA.…
Brand: Baldor
$ / Each
Part #: CPC 3372-2203
Description: 3M male latching header. PCB vertical mount. Gold…
Brand: 3M
$3.50 / Each
Part #: RWF AS10-150
Description: 150 ohm 3% 10w IRC Axial Resistor, AS10, 3/8" x 1…
$1.75 / Each
Part #: PUB GR-1571A/81A/82A
Description: General Radio Types 1571−A, 1581−A, 1582−A Variac…
$22.00 / Each
Part #: CRY 033.33333
Description: HC−18 33.33333 MHz Crystal 13.5mm H x 11.05mm W x…
$7.00 / Each
Part #: CFO 3535B4A0189A165A1
Description: 189 − 227 µF 165vAC Mepco/Electra Cap, 60Hz, QD s…
$13.00 / Each
Part #: KO 110636
Description: AB Industries dual DPDT relays operated with comm…
Brand: AB Industries
$21.00 / Each