330 ohm 5% 5w Wire Wound Resistor

330 ohm 5% 5w Wire Wound Resistor

Part Number:
(RWF) RW67-330

Product Details:
330 ohm 5% 5w CW5−5 Wire Wound Resistor With tab terminals. Are the most common style.Included are HL, FRL, RWWattages: 40 to 225 watts Axial Resistors 75% of the resistors covered on these pages fit this category.Examples: RS1−RS10, CW5, RW67, RW69 etc.Wattages: 0.1 to 25 watts

330 ohm
5w Watts

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Wire Wound Resistors - 250.1 Ohm to 399.9 Ohm

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