Transfer Relay

Transfer Relay

Part Number:
(KC) 710C73400

Product Details:
Transco failsafe "SMA" transfer switch with indicating circuitry. 28 vdc control. 25 watts @ 18 GHz, 200 watts @ 100 MHz. 70 dB isolation typical. All transfer switches have 4 ports and all operate the same way. Label ports 1, 2, 3 & 4. It has two positions, A & B. Position A: Ports 1 & 2 are made, 3 & 4 are made. Position B: Ports 1 & 3 are made, ports 2 & 4 are made.

28v DC
200 watts @ 100 MHz
25 watts @ 18 GHz
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$295.00 / Each


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RF Coaxial Relays: SMA DC Volts

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