Part Number:
Product Details:
Push-on mushroom knob. Black plastic. 0.188" bore for split shaft. Center spring clip. 0.950" diameter x 0.966" high, 0.523" diameter shoulder
Part #: PS PP-1659A/G
Description: This Battery Charger is in like NEW condition! Th…
Brand: Syncor Industries Corp.
Part #: MTR 17436
Description: Simpson panel meter. Direct current. 0 - 25 mADC.…
Brand: Simpson
$85.00 / Each
Part #: SDI 1N3671AJANT
Description: Diode JANTXV
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Part #: WRF UT-141A-TP
Description: Micro-Coax semi-rigid hardline. 0.141" outside di…
Brand: Micro-Coax
$21.00 / Each
Part #: MWC AT-WR51SMA
Description: Atlantic coaxial waveguide. WR-51 waveguide to "S…
Brand: Atlantic
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Part #: TUR 6SK7-MP
Description: Various brands. Premium Tubes, Matched Pair. NOTE…
$24.00 / Each
Description: Phaostron sealed miniature VU meter. -20 / 0 / +3…
Brand: Phaostron
$69.00 / Each
Part #: KNB 412DC2K1
Description: Raytheon "Skirted" crank knob with pointer. Desig…
Brand: Raytheon
$12.00 / Each