Push-On "D" Knob - Numbered Skirt 0 to 10

0-10 Push-On D Knob (KNB) 101

Push-On "D" Knob - Numbered Skirt 0 to 10

Part Number:
(KNB) 103

Product Details:
Push-on "D" knob. Black plastic. 1/4" bore, "D" (0.158") spring. 1-1/2"D skirt, numbered '1 - 10'. 3/4"D fluted top hat, no aluminum insert, 7/8" overall height.

3/4"D fluted top hat, 7/8" overall height
1-1/2"D skirt, numbered '1 - 10'
1/4" bore, "D" (0.158") spring

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$2.25 / Each
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