Part Number:
Product Details:
51 pF 500v 1% N330 Temperature Compensating Capacitor − Dogbone Ceramic temperature compensating capacitors have been the staple of "RF" circuits over the years and are available here in a wide variety of values.
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Description: This Battery Charger is in like NEW condition! Th…
Brand: Syncor Industries Corp.
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Description: Western Electric or Sylvania IN21B crystal microw…
Brand: Western Electric
$45.00 / Each
Part #: KNB 218
Description: Handsome dial knob. High quality. Labeled "1 thru…
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Description: MaCom / Omni−Spectra "Hi Rel" Mil−Spec Attenuator…
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Part #: FRI FTH2404-5R6
Description: Heavy Duty Feedthru Capacitor 5.6 pF, 1kv 3/16" d…
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Part #: STR IRFBE30
Description: IR N−channel MOSFET, 4.1 amp, 800v. TO−220 DC−91
$2.50 / Each
Part #: ENC FILM/R
Description: Film can. 2 part. Tin / steel. Includes empty fil…
$1.50 / Each
Part #: STR IRFS31N20DT
Description: IR, Hexfet, SMT, DC:212C, T&R
$1.45 / Each