7.5 µF − 236v AC 60 cy Oil Capacitor

7.5 µF − 236v AC 60 cy Oil Capacitor

Part Number:
(CFO) OP7X36

Product Details:
7.5 µF @ 236v AC 60 cy Mallory motorstart, Spade terms 1−1/4" x 2" x 3−1/4"H oval All Caps are non−PCB to the best or our knowledge unless otherwise noted as:PCB, Pyranol, Clarinol, etc.

7.5 µF
236v AC 60 cy
1−1/4" x 2" x 3−1/4"H oval

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$9.50 / Each


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Oil Capacitors - 1 µF to 9.99 µF

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