6 pF N750 5 kv HT−55 Doorknob Capacitor

6 pF N750 5 kv HT−55 Doorknob Capacitor

Part Number:
(CFC) HT55N006-5

Product Details:
Doorknob capacitors get their name from their cylindrical shape and connections on both ends; resembling a doorknob. This shape is commonly associated with high-voltage capacitors because they are good with dissipation of heat and ability to handle high voltages.
This type of capacitor would likely be used in high-voltage power supplies, laser equipment, medical devices, or other applications requiring high voltage handling.

6 pF
5 kV
Temperature Coefficient
0.312" Diameter, 0.39" Length
18 gauge wired or 2−56 threads.

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Doorknob Transmitting Capacitors: Ceramic

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