Part Number:
Product Details:
This is our collection of type "F" splitters and taps commonly used for CATV & FM stereo installations. Taps have a straight through port and taps at the rated dB. Splitter ports are all attenuated.
Part #: PS PP-1659A/G
Description: This Battery Charger is in like NEW condition! Th…
Brand: Syncor Industries Corp.
Part #: PUB BRN-MJ-9
Description: Browning MJ−9 Amateur Frequency Meter Instruction…
$14.00 / Each
Part #: COL 376-0276-050
Description: Audio and RF gain pot for 380. 4k to 60K ohm. Sto…
$18.00 / Each
Part #: RDF MSP10A01-152G
Description: 1.5k ohm 10 pin SIP 9 Common Single row, ONE Comm…
$1.00 / Each
Part #: MWF A10378.0
Description: Waveguide Filter90º Right Angle on Each End / WR−…
$10.00 / Each
Part #: PUB COL-212F-2
Description: Collins 212F−2 Broadcast Console Instruction Manu…
$45.00 / Each
Part #: CVF W-100
Description: 100 pF 20 kv 3/8" hub 2"D x 4"L
$265.00 / Each
Part #: CFE 003000R00BBA
Description: 3,000 µF 50v Can/Srw Trm Malory Electrolytic Capa…
$4.00 / Each