1−1/2" (38mm) wide Fabric Adhesive Tape

1−1/2" (38mm) wide Fabric Adhesive Tape

Part Number:
(TAP) 611-38MM

Product Details:
Fiberglass Fabric Adhesive Tape 1−1/2" (38mm) wide Brand new, factory fresh Fiberglass adhesive tape with DOW® adhesive. On the shelf in 4 widths: 0.5", 0.75", 1" and 1.5".¢ Voltage Rating: 2.5kv (per layer)
¢ Thickness: 0.14mm (0.2mm total)
¢ Roll Length: 33 Meters
¢ Insulation Resistance: 1x10 6 megohms¢ Tensile Strength: 240 N / 10mm
¢ Elongation: 5%
¢ Adhesive to steel: 4.2N / 10mm
¢ Temperature Class: 180ºC

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$21.00 / Each
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