Analogic 3-1/2 Digital Display

Analogic 3-1/2 Digital Display (MTR) AN2570-1X1P

Analogic 3-1/2 Digital Display

Part Number:
(MTR) AN2570-1X1P

Product Details:
Analogic 3-1/2 digit digital display. ±1.999v DC or ±199.9 mVDC. Module power: 117v AC, 0.05% accuracy. Serialized. 3-7/8" x 2" x 3-5/8" deep. New in the box.

Product PDFs:

3-7/8" x 2" x 3-5/8" deep
New in the box
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$299.00 / Each
$260.00 / 3 Each


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Meters: DC Volts to 49 vdc

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