Comair / Rotron Muffin Fan

Comair / Rotron Muffin Fan (FAN) 028870

Comair / Rotron Muffin Fan

Part Number:
(FAN) 028870

Product Details:
Comair / Rotron muffin fan. Model MD48B2. 110 cfm, 3100 rpm. 48v DC @ 0.12 amps, 5.8 watts, 50 dBA. Ball bearings. Polypropylene blade. Terminal block connection. 4.69" x 4.69" metal frame, 1.58"H. New in the box. Only 5 left in stock.

110 cfm
3100 rpm
48v DC @ 0.12 amps
Manufactured by
Comair / Rotron
Alternate P/N:

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