Regulated Variable Power Supply

Power Ten Regulated Variable Power Supply (PS) R66C-40500

Regulated Variable Power Supply

Part Number:
(PS) R66C-40500

Product Details:
Power Ten (division of Elgar Corporation) precision, bench / lab, regulated, variable DC power supply with digital volt / amp metering. Optional RS-232 / RS-485 digital remote programming or front-panel control capability. This compact 20kw power supply is the ideal for designing, operating or repairing any electronic or electrical equipment that operates on voltages up to 40 volts and draws as much as 500 amps including aviation 28-volt DC buss hardware. Precision "ten turn" control knobs for voltage and current adjustments. Includes an adjustable over-voltage "crowbar" protection. The digital meters provide accurate readings of both voltage and current and the output connections are rear panel high current "buss bars", with additional connections provided for remote voltage sense and programming. Very heavy.

  • Input: 200-240v AC @ 8470 amps, 3 ph, 47-63Hz
  • Output: 0 - 40v @ 0 - 500 amps, 20kw
  • Dimensions: 27" x 19" x 10.5"H
Originally sold for $18,000. Our price...

0 - 40v @ 0 - 500 amps, 20kw
Precision "ten turn" control knobs for voltage and current adjustments
Precision "ten turn" control knobs for voltage and current adjustments
Very heavy
Manufactured by
Power Ten

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