Radiall SP6T Latching Relay

Radiall SP6T Latching Relay

Part Number:
(KC) R574-F22-620

Product Details:
Radiall Latching SP6T DC-26.5 GHz SMA (female) 0.2 - 0.7 dB maximum loss (0.3 dB @ 3-8 GHz, 0.4 dB @ 8-12.4 GHz, 0.5 dB @ 12.4-18 GHz) with 55 - 80 dB isolation (55 dB @ 8-26.5 GHz, 70 dB @ 3-8 GHz), 40 - 240 Watt power (100W @ 12.4-18 GHz, 120 W @ 8-12.4 GHz, 150 W @ 3-8 GHz), 50 ohm impedance, 50 ohm Terminated when off, 12 vdc Supply and TTL 2.2 - 5.5 vdc (5 vdc @ 800 µA) actuator, Solder pins in ciruclar arrangement, 15 ms maximum switching time, RESET supply voltage for 1 second max, Front flange with 4 x 11/64" (4.35 mm) holes 1.8" (45.75 mm) center to center. Alt. P/N: R574F22620.

Product PDFs:

12 vdc + 2.2 - 5.5 vdc (TTL)
0.2 - 0.7 dB
DC - 26.5 GHz
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