Wall Adapter

Wall Adapter

Part Number:
(PS) PY2465

Product Details:
Wall adapter. Grounded, 3 wire. Positive female center pin. Coaxial Plug measures 2.1mm x 5.5mm. Center positive. UL Listed. P/Ns: PY 2465 30659 001 & WP572018DG. 4,000 in stock. 30 per case. Warning: This transformer contains an internal 4 amp fuse to protect from afire occurring if the output is shorted or its current exceeded. If the output is shorted, or overloaded, the fuse will blow.

  • Input: 120v, 60Hz, 30w
  • Output: 18 vdc @ 1.1 amp

18 vdc @ 1.1 amp
120v, 60Hz, 30w

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Wall Adapter Transformers

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