Part Number:
Product Details:
PTFE Tubing, Spaghetti / Sleeving. Impervious to heat (500°F), chemicals, RF and electrical potentials. Fits 20 Wire Size, 0.033" Inner Diameter, Natural Color. Sold by the foot. (Use to jacket bare conductors or to move liquid / air)
Part #: PS PP-1659A/G
Description: This Battery Charger is in like NEW condition! Th…
Brand: Syncor Industries Corp.
Part #: EQP DRT-CT
Description: Make a coffee table out of a DRT. Glass top allow…
$595.00 / Each
Part #: WRF 140-0530-9401
Description: Malco lepra / con female connector same as left e…
Brand: Malco
$17.00 / Each
Part #: R60PI2680AA30K
Description: 0.068 µF 630 vdc, 10% Metalized Polyester Box Cap…
$0.15 / Each
Part #: PUB COL-180R6/7
Description: Collins 180R−6/7 Antenna Coupler & 309A−2/2D Ante…
$125.00 / Each
Part #: MWF A10395.0
Description: Waveguide Filter90º Right Angle on Each End / WR−…
$10.00 / Each
Part #: RWF RW11V161
Description: Wire wound resistors are used in high-power appli…
$16.00 / Each
Part #: TSL PS46
Description: Plastic Standoff. Double turret. 1.080"H, 0.35" t…
$1.25 / Each