Large Glazed Ceramic Standoff Insulator

Large Glazed Ceramic Standoff Insulator

Part Number:
(ICR) L61458

Product Details:
Glazed ceramic standoff insulator of the behemoth class. Made by Lapp Insulator Division, these jewels are crated and ready to go.

36-1/2" tall, 18 (eighteen) 6" diameter rings make a dirt path about a mile long. Top lug has 3/4" diameter hole. Bottom pipe flange style base has 4 holes on 3-1/2" centers. The weight guesstimate is 100 pounds.

These insulators are solid and will handle push or pull torque so you can either hang a wire or hold one up.

Glazed Ceramic
100 pounds, crated
36-1/2" tall
6" diameter
Hole Size
3/4" Diameter
Flange Centers

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$275.00 / Each


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