Transformer 117V AC to 6.3V @ 9.5 Amps, 6.3V @ 1.2 Amps, 6.3V @ 600 Milliamps and 117V @ 280mA

Transformer 117V AC to 6.3V @ 9.5 Amps, 6.3V @ 1.2 Amps, 6.3V @ 600 Milliamps and 117V @ 280mA

Part Number:
(TP) P2879

Product Details:
Merit & Thordarson Filament Transformer Primary 117 volts AC to multiple secondaries of 6.3 volts AC at 9.5 amps, 6.3 volts AC at 1.2 amps, 6.3 volts AC at 600 milliamps, and 117 volts AC at 280 milliamps. Mounts horizontally. End bell passes through chassis. Wires under chasis. Can convert with L brackets. Dimensions: 4-11/16 x 5 x 3-3/4H

117 Volts
(6.3V @ 9.5A, 6.3V @ 1.2A, 6.3V @ 600mA, 117V @ 280mA)
Apparent Power:
100 VA
4-11/16" x 5" x 3-3/4"H
Manufactured by
Merit & Thordarson

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