Excelsys LXV150-105S 150 Watt 1.42A Constant Voltage 105vDC LED Power Supply

Excelsys LXV150-105S Excelsys LXV150-105S LED Power Supply

Excelsys LXV150-105S 150 Watt 1.42A Constant Voltage 105vDC LED Power Supply

Part Number:
(PS) LXV150-105S

Product Details:
Excelsys LXV 150 series constant voltage power supply. 90-264vAC 50/60Hz input, 105vDC output, 1.42A max; 150W. 94% efficiency. Over Voltage Protection 3.75kV isolation. IP67 Chasis mount, wire leads. ROHS 7-7/8L x 2-9/32W x 1-9/16H

Product PDFs:
Excelsys LXV150-105S
Excelsys LXV150-105S ROHS

90-264 volts AC
105 volts DC
1.42 amps
150 watts
Constant Voltage
Manufactured by

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