25 kV to 10 mA Hughes HI- Potter Variac Controlled

25 kV to 10 mA Hughes HI- Potter Variac Controlled

Part Number:
(EQP) 2455

Product Details:
Untested-SOLD AS IS!
Front Plexiglass is cracked.

"Hi-Potter" is short for "high potential" tester. This device is used to perform insulation testing, also known as dielectric withstand testing. It applies a high voltage to a piece of equipment or component to check if the insulation can withstand the specified voltage without breaking down. The "controlled variac" part means it uses a variable transformer (variac) to precisely control the output voltage.

25 kV to 10 mA
11" Length
18" Width
11-1/8" Height
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$375.00 / Each


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