Westinghouse Ignitron, New old stock for Continental 420 transmitter, Size A, Alt. P/N: GL7703 Vacuu

Westinghouse Ignitron, New old stock for Continental 420 transmitter, Size A, Alt. P/N: GL7703 Vacuu

Part Number:
(TUR) WL7703

Product Details:
Westinghouse Ignitron, New old stock for Continental 420 transmitter, Size A, Alt. P/N: GL7703

For a $6 up charge ($5 for 20 tubes or more of same number), individual Roe Tester V10 printouts with curves will be included with individual tubes. This test takes about 10 minutes for each test. The calibrated ROE Tester is the finest test tube testing system available. It will document every operating parameter of the subject tube.

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$750.00 / Each


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