Dual RF Amplifier

Dual RF Amplifier

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Q Source dual RF amplifier. A pair of broadband RF amplifiers, each configured to produce about 200 watts output. Each amplifier uses a pair of MRF150 transistors mounted to a huge heatsink. These transistors are rated for up to 150 watts output each up to 175 MHz with 5 to 6 watts of drive. On the same 19" rack-mount frame are mounted a Kyosan 28 vdc, 36 amp switching power supply and a pair of Rotron WX2A1, 115 vac fans to cool the heatsink. Separate "BNC" input and output connectors for each amplifier. Amplifiers and heatsink measure 12" x 10" x 3". Power supply measures 10" x 5" x 7-3/4". Overall size of rack-mount frame is 19" x 21" x 8-1/2". Created and built by Peter Chenausky for Q Source.

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Q Source

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$575.00 / Each


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