4−1/2" 0 − 30 psi 1/4 NPT Guage

4−1/2" 0 − 30 psi 1/4 NPT Guage

Part Number:
(MTG) 155007

Product Details:
1982 Series, Bottom stem Ametek Solfrunt Gauge 4−1/2" 0 − 30 psi 0.2 psi 1/4 NPT Bottom stem 1980 Series. Phosphor bronze Bourdon tube. Brass socket. Designed for pressure measurements as low as a few inches of water, these gauges, in spans from 30" H20 to 10 psi utilize a unique sensing element. It is composed of a stack of diaphragm capsules, each consisting of two plates contoured into a convex / concave configuration to nest into one another. This results in a low internal volume element developing large forces to drive the mechanism in extremely low pressure ranges.

Product PDFs:
Ametek Solfrunt Gauge

0 − 30 psi
0.2 psi
Stem Size
1/4 NPT
Stem Location
Bottom stem

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