Pressure Transducer

Pressure Transducer

Part Number:
(CNE) P308DB

Product Details:

The Schaevitz P-3000 Series pressure transducer is self-contained, DC-operated instrument designed to provide DC output voltages and currents which are linearly proportional to applied pressure. Operating from an unregulated source of 10 - 32 vdc at 1.2mA, the P-3061 model transducer provides an output of 0 - 5 vdc.

The aluminum case houses an LVDT assembly and a circuit board containing the electronics to excite the LVDT and amplify the output signal. The LVDT is coupled to a convoluted pressure capsule. The pressure capsule is designed so that its center deflection is proportinal to applied pressure. The lightweight LVDT core and rod reduce the effects of gravity on zero to less than 0.5% of full scale output per g in the lower ranges (inches of water). Built-in stops prevent damage due to minor pressure overloads. Used, removed. Includes instruction / installation manual.

  • Output: 4-20 mA 2-wire loop
  • Loop Supply: 10-31 V DC
  • Loop Resistance: 1200 ohms maximum
  • Combined Static Error (Non-Linearity, Non-Repeatability, and Hysteresis: Less than ±0.5% of full range output (best straight line)

Includes instruction / installation manual
Used, removed
The P-3061 model transducer provides an output of 0 - 5 vdc
Operating from an unregulated source of 10 - 32 vdc at 1.2mA
P-3000 Series

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