Fustat Adapter Made by Buss

Fustat Adapter Made by Buss

Part Number:
(FUS) SA3-2/10

Product Details:
Converts 3−2/10, 2−8/10, 1−8/10, 2, 2−1/4, 2−1/2 amp Fustats, Fustat adapters made by Buss convert the larger "T" Edison socket to a smaller "S" Fustat socket. They are made for various types of ranges of fuse and prevent fuses other than those specified from being screwed into panel. In other words, if you have a SA−2 adapter, you can only use 1−8/10 or 2 amp fustats. You cannot use a 5 amp fuse for example which would surely cause equipment damage.

NOTE: NOTE: Electrical Fuses are not returnable.

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