Perma-Power S100 Roving Rostrum

Perma-Power S100 Roving Rostrum

Part Number:
(EQP) PP-S100

Product Details:
Perma-Power S100 Roving Rostrum. The original portable PA system. Battery operated PA amplifier and speakers. The cover removes to reveal an angled rostrum for notes, etc. The amplifier, speaker and partial mic stand are built into base. The cover has provisions for accessories, a 40 foot speaker cable and the auxilary speaker. Access to the amplifier and batteries is made by depressing a spring loaded pin and lifting off the silver rostrum cover.The solid state amplifier uses 2 Everready 731, 6 volt lantern batteries that mount in the base. The amplifier accepts a 1/4" phone plug for the microphone and an RCA jack for the phono input. The speaker jacks are 1/4" phone jacks that allow just the base speaker, both speakers or just the remote speaker to be active.Batteries shown are for illustration purposes only. They are dead and not included when shipped. Cabinet is 3/8" plywood with plastic covering that shows some wear. Unit works fine.

  • Dimensions: 18"L x 17-1/2"W x 9-1/4"H

Cabinet is 3/8" plywood
40 foot speaker cable and the auxilary speaker
18"L x 17-1/2"W x 9-1/4"H
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