200 µF 425v Strobe Flash Capacitor

200 µF 425v Strobe Flash Capacitor

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Product Details:
200 µF 425v Strobe Flash Capacitor, 1−3/8"D x 3−1/8"L, 3 wire radial leads A hybrid design combining EAF (flash) and EAP (power) features for 45 to 120 flash per minute, strobe discharge applications between 300 and 500 volts. This capacitor incorporates selected foils and extended cathode, and vibration resistant construction. Service life should meet or exceed the discharge tube life.This stock was manufacture's excess from the most reliable capacitor manufacturer in North America and was acquired by Surplus Sales of Nebraska. Strobe capacitors are designed for short duty cycle operation and should not be used for B+ filter applications. They will not tolerate the heat generated by constant voltage.Unless otherwise noted, tolerance is ±20%.

200 µF
425v Volts

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$33.00 / Each


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