Luxtrol Remote Light Control Linear Rheostat

Luxtrol Remote Light Control Linear Rheostat

Part Number:
(RWA) 80-1011R

Product Details:
Superior Electric Luxtrol remote light control linear rheostat. 4.2k ohm, 20 watts. Wiper protected through diode to 2 terminals on rear. One is common anode and one is common cathode. Red knob. Back-lit with #327 midget bulb, 28v DC. 2 terminals on rear. 3-5/8" x 1" x 5-1/2" overall length. Used, removed.

4.2k Ohm
3-5/8" x 1" x 5-1/2" overall length
28v DC
20 watts
Manufactured by
Superior Electric Luxtrol

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