Regulated Variable Bipolar DC Power Supply

Regulated Variable Bipolar DC Power Supply

Part Number:
(PS) BOP100-1M

Product Details:
Kepco precision, bench / lab, regulated, variable bipolar DC power supply / amplifier with analog volt / amp metering. In Kepco's BOP, the voltage and current outputs can be controlled smoothly and linearly through the entire rated plus and minus ranges, passing smoothly through zero with no polarity switching. BOP are high speed power operational amplifiers that can be used to provide dynamically agile voltage for test and simulation. BOP, while fully rated power supplies, are also high-powered operational amplifiers with full 4-quadrant, bipolar operation. Their output is capable of both sustained dc and the replication of arbitrary ac waveforms. They are not general purpose power supplies. By the nature of the bipolar high speed design, they do not have any energy-storage noise discriminating output capacitors. To realize the full high speed potential of BOP, the load characteristics should be mainly resistive. If the load is capacitive, (>0.1 microfarad), the BOPmust be slowed to avoid oscillation. This is accomplished in voltage mode by increasing the value of the feedback capacitance. Special terminals on the user port are available to slow the BOP for optimum current-mode stability into inductive loading. Includes copy of operation manual.

  • Input:
  • Output: 0 - ±100v @ 0 - ±1 amp
  • Dimensions: 19" x 12.5" x 5.5"H

This is accomplished in voltage mode by increasing the value of the feedback capacitance
They are not general purpose power supplies
To realize the full high speed potential of BOP, the load characteristics should be mainly resistive
Includes copy of operation manual
0 - ??100 @ 0 - ??1 amp
Manufactured by

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