Quartz Dielectric Trimmer Capacitor

Johanson Quartz Dielectric Trimmer Capacitor (CTP) 7168

Quartz Dielectric Trimmer Capacitor

Part Number:
(CTP) 7168

Product Details:
Johanson 0.5 to 5.0pF Non-Magnetic Quartz Dielectric Trimmer Capacitor, Panel Mount w/ lock washer, Gold, Silver & Chromate finish, Q @ 20Mhz >2000, 2,500vdc Working Volts 30Mhz @ 2Amps (7,000vdc test).

Product PDFs:

0.5 to 5 pF
Q @ 20 Mhz > 2,000
2,500vdc Working Volts 30Mhz @ 2Amps
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