Silver RF Coil

Silver RF Coil

Part Number:
(IRF) 10X1121

Product Details:
Silver plated coil appropriate for loading 160 meters or VLF frequencies with 1 mH total inductance. Also cut in half to build traps for 80/160 meter dipole. Snag a few large ceramic insulators (ANT) BFAI-14 for center insulators. 5-1/2" diameter, 20" long. Wound on fiberglass form. Has 14 ga. wire. Should handle 5 kw+. Fiberglass core. Weighs: 7 pounds. NOTE: Item (ICH) 10X348 similar, but 0.9 mH.

1 mH
5 kw
5-1/2" diameter, 20" lon
Item (ICH) 10X348 (right) similar, but 0.9 mH

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$149.00 / Each


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