Glassman Power Supply

Glassman Power Supply

Part Number:
(PS) PS/LX030R066-11

Product Details:
Glassman High Voltage reversible output power supply. Analog meters on the front panel display output voltage and current. Front panel LED displays output polarity. Voltage and current output are adjustable by 10 turn pots on the front panel. Optional control of output and metering from a rear panel terminal strip. Includes HV cable.

  • Input: 115 vac @ 48-63 Hz
  • Output: 0 to ±30kv @ 0-66 ma reversible output
  • Dimensions: 19" rack width, 23" deep, 8-3/4"H
  • Weight: 60 lbs

0 to ±30 kv @ 0-66 ma

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$4300.00 / Each


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