Transformer 117V AC to 5V @ 3 Amps, 6.3V @ 7A, a 6.3 @ 2.7A, a 650V @ 130 Milliamps, 750V @ 170mA

Transformer 117V AC to 5V @ 3 Amps, 6.3V @ 7A, a 6.3 @ 2.7A, a 650V @ 130 Milliamps, 750V @ 170mA

Part Number:
(TP) P3053

Product Details:
Merit & Thordarson Filament Transformer Primary 117 volts AC to multiple secondaries of two 5 volts AC at 3 amps, two 6.3 volts AC at 7 amps, a 6.3 volts AC at 2.7 amps, a 650 volt AC center tapped at 130 milliamps, and 750 volts center tapped AC at 170 milliamps Mounts horizontally. End bell passes through chassis. Wires under chasis. Can convert with L brackets. Dimensions: 3-3/4" x 4-1/2" x 5-1/2"H

117 Volts
(two 5V @ 3A, two 6.3V @ 7A, 6.3V @ 2.7A, 325/650V @ 130mA, 375/750V @ 170mA)
Apparent Power:
350 VA
3-3/4" x 4-1/2" x 5-1/2"H
Manufactured by
Merit & Thordarson

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