Staco Automatic

Staco Automatic

Part Number:
(EQP) AVR12057BR

Product Details:
BRAND NEW IN THE BOX!! Staco AVR12057BR smooths out flucuating, unstable voltage. It is a single phase line voltage regulator comprised of a motor driven variable transformer, a buck-boost fixed ratio transformer, a Solid State electronic control unit and associated front panel controls and voltmeter which displays the regulated output voltage. The terminal block for input and output connections is mounted on the back of the unit next to the ground lug and fuse.

  • Frequency range: 47-63 Hz
  • Input volts: 95 - 135 vac
  • Output voltage in fully adjustable and settable to ANY voltage between 110 - 120 vac! Nominal output is 115 volts
  • Output amps: 57 amps, 6.6 kva
  • Accuracy is 0.75%
  • Correction Rate is 0.075 sec/volt
  • Meter Scale is 0 - 150 volts. Complete with installation and operating instructions
  • 10-1/2" high. Fits 19" rack
  • OEM over $3,000

57 output amps
6.6 KVA
10-1/2" high. Fits 19" rack
Manufactured by

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$975.00 / Each


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