DC Brushless Motor

DC Brushless Motor

Part Number:
(MOT) 000-0222

Product Details:
Servo Magnetics 15,000 rpm DC brushless motor. Requires external controller to supply DC pulses to windings for rotation.

• 12v DC
• Low noise
• Precision long life ball bearings
Peak torque: 80 oz-in
Torque constant: 1.65 oz-in / amp
Shaft: 0.25" x .81"L
Body: 2.25"D x 2.23"L

Product PDFs:
000-0222 (PDF)

12v DC / 15,000 rpm
Requires external controller to supply DC pulses to windings for rotation
Manufactured by
Servo Magnetics

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$16.00 / 25 Each


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