Vacuum Tubes


3368 Products

Tubes & Accessories Index

Vacuum Tubes, CRTs, Geiger Muller Tubes, Tube Shields in stock. Over 3 million tubes available for …

23 Products

Chimney & Plate Caps

Vacuum tube chimneys and tube Plate caps in stock and available from Surplus Sales of Nebraska.

3 Products

Geiger-Müller Tubes

Geiger-Müller Tubes and Photo Multiplier tubes with NaI Crystal Assembly for detection of radi…

15 Products

Pick-up Tubes: Plumbicons, Vidicons

Plumbicons, Vidicons and pick-up tubes in stock at Surplus Sales of Nebraska.

48 Products

CRT Tubes

Cathode Ray Tubes, picture tubes for vintage color and B&W TV sets as well as vintage test equi…